Sunday, November 1, 2009


From my egg calendar:

Baking Powder: if fresh it will bubble in hot water, if old it won't.

Roaches: equal parts cornstarch and plaster of paris, sprinkle in cracks.

Ants: sprinkle salt on entry area or use chalk.

Unclogging drains: pour half cup of baking soda, followed by a cup of boiling water, then a cup of white vinegar, let stand overnight.

Grass that grows in cracks of sidewalks/patios: sprinkle and sweep a mixture of salt and baking soda.

To check if gas tank for grill is empty: pour boiling water over tank, where warm, it is empty, coolness means propane is inside.

Sand: pour baby powder on kids, sand falls off.

Deep Sleep: Before bedtime- drink a glass of water then let a pinch of salt dissolve on your tongue (don't let salt touch roof of mouth).

Freezer Burn: cover top of ice cream container with aluminum foil then place on lid.

Keep Steak moist while grilling on closed grill: place an open can of beer on hottest part of grill. Beer boils keeping meat moist and gives flavor.

Hang posters with a drop of white toothpaste.

Zippers: Stuck: rub with a pencil. Won't stay closed: carefully spray lightly with hairspray after zipping up.

Sore throat: fill a shot glass with honey and warm in microwave for 10 seconds. Add 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, stir and drink. Repeat a few times a day.

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