Saturday, November 1, 2008


A small but highly skilled area
A separate entity owning to itself
We cradle your infants
We comfort your young children
We teach your adolescent and young adults
We console you in your time of need
Wipe your tears and encourage you
to be strong
Instruct you to care for yourself
the best you can
We care for your elderly and the
critically ill
We awaken you from your induced slumber
We're the distant voices, the faded smiles
The tender touch that most forget
To those of you who know and
remember us...we say thanks
To those of you who have touched our
lives as we have yours...
We say, it was our pleasure
taking care of you
Even though you were here with us
for a short time
You have your imprints on our hearts
and in our minds.

Written by Susan Halvorsen, RN, underwood Memorial Hospital PACU, Woodbury, NJ

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